Group Dining Programs


The need for Group Dining Programs is evidenced by the numbers. In 2016, CASC found:

  • Percentage of clients living alone: 78%
  • Total number of clients annually: 1,176
  • Total number of meals served annually: 161,500
  • Average number of referrals received weekly: 15
CASC has a commitment to  provide Nutritious Meals in a warm and supportive environment at the Center.

The Group Dining program, located at the CASC Downtown Senior Center, provides 30 noon meals each weekday to older adults determined to have economic and/or social needs.

Clients are assessed to determine eligibility and most are frail, have multiple health problems and are low income.

Clients also participate in the educational & recreational programs offered at the Center.


Meals are purchased from a regional caterer and are healthy meals. In addition to the hot meal, clients are provided food bags monthly to help stretch their food dollars. Grocery items obtained at the Lowcountry Food Bank for clients are purchased with community donations.

The Center is far from a soup kitchen, however – clients attending each day enjoy the wellness and recreational programs offered.

Emphasis is placed on living wisely and living well!



Transportation for dining program clients is provided to and from the CASC downtown site in fifteen-passenger vans. Transport is door-to-door service, primarily to the senior center and home – Monday through Friday.

Clients are urged to utilize mass transit and other systems for transportation needs whenever possible.